I thought Brookline owned lots of land and buildings. What about the field in front of the high school, Larz Anderson, Putterham Golf Course, the libraries, or even Town Hall?
Why aren't we just building modulars at every school and calling the problem solved?
What will it cost to build a new school building? Can the Town afford it?
If the operating budget for the schools is in trouble AND we have to build a new school, does that mean both a Debt Exclusion Override and a Property Tax Operating Override?
How much of a tax increase would this mean for Brookline homeowners?
What happens if we decide to build a new school and an override fails to pass?
By taking the "independent survey to gather views on recent enrollment increases" at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/66YYNJ2 ... http://www.lincolnschoolpto.org/lincoln-lines-april-9-2012-vol-6-no-27 says this about the survey: "A group of Brookline parents has created an independent survey to gather information on parent views of the various possibilities on the table to deal with recent enrollment increases. It is not affiliated with the School committee or with B-SPACE."